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DSSH newsletter 16, july 2014
Content of this newsletter
– The DSSH has a new president: Prof. dr. Isabelle van Herzeele introduces herself!
– Ceremony newly granted quality labels for Valid Games during DSSH congress 2014 in Utrecht
– Summary of the ICOSET conference (Harrogate UK; Surgical Education and Training)
Future events
– Chain (Re)Action Call for content for DSSH congress March 18th 2015, Medisch Centrum Alkmaar
– WATCHconference 2014 Future of Wearable Technology in Healthcare, 25 & 26 July, Indianapolis
– Symposium Skills & Simulatie Radboud UMC 30 oktober 2014, Nijmegen
Dear DSSH members,
I was invited by Marlies Schijven and the DSSH board to become the next president of this exciting, innovative and internationally recognized Dutch Society of Simulation in Healthcare. I am proud to have accepted this wonderful opportunity knowing what this society is capable of. Individual contributions of time and talents coupled with collaborative team efforts make this a truly successful organization.
Alma, Carla, Ester, Gabrielle, Henk, Jan-Maarten, Joya, Ludmilla, Pieter and Ralf thank you so much for the warm welcome, dedication and continuous support.
Marlies, I do not know how we can thank you for all your enthusiasm, energy, innovative approach and organizational skills to build, expand and run this society during the past 6 years. We will do our utmost to ensure that this society continues to grow, is visible and active internationally, and continues to focus on simulation and serious gaming to improve the education of every practitioner in health care leading to increased patient safety. We look forward to welcome you at the next meeting “Chain (Re)Action in Healthcare” as a faculty member.
After a cycle of 6 successful meetings, I would like to invite you with great pleasure to Alkmaar for the 7th Annual Congress of the DSSH on March 18th. The DSSH in corporation with the local organizing team lead by Ludmilla Garmers, all committees and administration are working hard on a truly interactive Congress to share your research, ideas, best practices, tools and techniques, successes, failures and lessons learned in simulation or serious gaming. The 2015 meeting, “Chain (Re)Action” will cover themes of Teamwork and Human factors within the field as well as unique perspectives on Serious gaming. The well-rounded program will include nationally and internationally renowned keynote speakers, presentations, complemented by round table discussions, workshops and poster presentations.
So! Are you actively involved in designing educational programs for training health professionals using simulation or serious gaming? Do you train or assess health care professionals using simulation or serious gaming; do you develop or validate tools or scenarios? Then you should not miss the DSSH congress in Alkmaar, 18 March 2015.
Warm Regards,
Isabelle Van Herzeele, MD, PhD, President, DSSH
Ludmilla Garmers, Congress President of DSSH 2015
DSSH congress 18 March 2015, Alkmaar Medical Centre
Call for content
Medical Simulation -Chain (Re)action!-
We are pleased to invite you to the 7th Congress of the Dutch Society for Simulation in Healthcare, which will be held on March 18th 2015 at the Alkmaar Medical Centre, the Netherlands.
Theme of this year's congress is the integration of simulation across the links of the healthcare chain. With your help we hope to start a chain reaction in which sharing scientific- and practical knowledge will lead to more effective, structured and integrated training courses. This chain reaction will ultimately lead to an explosive improvement of quality in healthcare.
Healthcare is a multidisciplinary effort, with different groups of practitioners adopting their own standards and working methods. The lack of standardisation and sharing knowledge has led to adverse effect of the quality of healthcare. With the upcoming congress we aim to discuss- and show how simulation training can create better integrated, and safer care.
We encourage you to submit an abstract in one of two formats; a scientific format or a practical format (see below). The best submissions will be invited to give an oral presentation (7 minutes presentation, 3 minutes discussion). Other high-quality proposals will be invited to pitch their ideas in a speed presentations session (5 slides, 3 minutes).
1. Scientific format
The basis for a scientific abstract can be a completed, structured literature review, or a report of a completed scientific study. The abstract should be structured as follows: introduction, methods, results, conclusion/discussion. Your abstract should not exceed a maximum of 350 words. All proposals will be reviewed by the DSSH science committee, who will advise the selection committee.
2. Practical format
The format for a practical abstract are less strict. Important criteria are the innovative value and the relevance for (training for) medical practice. Again, please do not use more than 350 words. Practical proposals will be reviewed directly by the selection committee.
Presentations supporting the Congress’ theme will be prioritised, however the call for content is open for every type of presentation relevant to simulation and serious gaming in healthcare. There will be an award for the best innovative presentation!
This call closes November 1st, 2014. Please indicate in the first line of your abstract whether you are submitting a scientific abstract or a practical abstract. Send your abstract to info[at]
First International Quality Labels for Valid Games granted!
During the well-visited Congress of the Dutch Society for Simulation in Healthcare DSSH (March 19th 2014), the first First International Quality Labels for Valid Games in Healthcare are procured. This international initiative of the Dutch Society for Simulation in Healthcare is supported by academic medical centers in close collaboration with the gaming industry. It supports and stimulates the development of serious / applied games in Healthcare, and stimulates transparency in efficacy and design proces to the public. Secondly, it supports game developers building effective serious / applied games in healthcare troughout the process. The Quality Label is granted to games that are indeed able to support their claim on the efficacy of the game rightfully. As there are many games out there, the DSSH feels that transparency and disclosure on validity are essential for the public. Both patients and health care professionals must be able to trust what they use when engaging in serious gaming.
An intensive, multidisciplinary strategy was set up assess the games. A comprehensive list of criteria was developed, and used by game developers / parties to submit their game for the Quality Label. Games were played and scientifically assessed by an independent Committee, in which professionals of various discipline are represented (medical domain: physcians / medical specialists; validity experts: educational specialists and cognitive psychologists). Safety of user, transparency of goals and disclosure and support for stated effectiveness were assessed according to clinical validation / representation of the game and results in literature. A maximum of five stars can be obtained.
The DSSH wishes to Congratulate the following Games that were granted the Quality Label for Valid Games:
Two Stars: Brevissima (School of Nursing & Midwifery; Flinders University, Adelaide Australia)
Two Stars: 'Op Eigen Kracht' (Red Jezelf ism IJsfontein)
Three Stars: abcdeSIM (ErasmusMC ism IJsfontein)
Three Stars: Medicina (School of Nursing & Midwifery; Flinders University, Adelaide Australia)
Bas Smallenbroek ('Op Eigen Kracht') and Mary Dankbaar (abcdeSIM) with the acquired Quality Label for their Games.
Does your game deserve a Quality Label with scientific significance? Please feel free to submit your game. Read here how to obtain your Quality Label!
Summary of the ICOSET meeting
Harrogate April 29-30th 2014
This meeting only takes place once every two years and brings together world leaders and experts in training and education in the surgical field.
Both Isabelle Van Herzeele and Jan Maarten Luursema (DSSH) were invited by Prof Jonathan Beard to attend the meeting and chair a session.
The meeting started with an excellent debate focussing on supernumerary training versus the old apprenticeship model between Richard Reznick (Canada) and Angus Wallace (UK). Prof Reznick concluded that competency based training curricula have proven to work but Prof Wallace claimed it is too expensive to run these in the UK. In the UK, hospitals are still in charge of training and trainees have an economic function in contrast to Ontario where Universities are in charge of training and education. Consequently most departments in Ontario can function without any reliance on trainees, consultants and co-workers are doing the work and the focus for trainees is their training.
Experts in surgical education from USA (C Pellegrini), Europe (W Feil), Canada (K Harris), Australia (S Tobin) and UK (J Beard) discussed challenges to surgical education and training and how to solve these. They agreed that the following problems continue to persist: service is prioritised over training, training is not formerly timetabled for trainees nor for trainers, hospitals are not rewarded for good training or penalised for poor training, some relaxation of the European Working Time Directive would be helpful only if additional time is used for training, better learning resources, training and recognition are needed for trainees/trainers and funding remains a major problem. In training centres, faculty is key!
Throughout the two-day symposium more than 30 short papers were presented. Additional symposia focused on alternative training paradigms based on lessons from sport (R Hampson), space (I Whiteley) and the military (Capt GR Graham). Other symposia tried to answer questions such as the integration of simulation into the curricula, optimal assessment for surgical training and the need to have separate assessment tools for summative and formative feedback.
Workshops were organized to share tips, skills and opportunities in educational research, to address non-technical skills for surgeons (NOTTS) and to strengthen trainee organisations and the development of an international trainee network.
The state of the art lecture was given by one of most enthusiastic speakers in the world Professor Eduardo Salas (Chair and Pegasus Professor of Psychology, University of Central Florida) focussing on team training that should become mandatory for every surgeon.
Finally, Professor Atul Gawande gave the Motivational lecture on how to make surgery safer. He took us through the history of surgery and shared his personal view how to improve the quality of healthcare.
I would strongly advise every healthcare worker to try to attend the next ICOSET meeting because it is inspiring and fruitful to share your research, ideas, questions, concerns and opinions with colleagues from all over the world including the leaders in the field of education and training.
Friday, July 25, 2014 at 12:00 PM
– to –
Saturday, July 26, 2014 at 6:00 PM (EDT)
You are cordially invited to the first International Conference for Professional Use of Wearable Technology in Healthcare. Whether you are a developer, a healthcare provider or a wearable tech novice: the WATCH Conference is the perfect occasion to get connected, inspired and amazed!
Come join us and interact at the forefront of exciting innovations that may empower physicians and patients now and in the near future.
335 W. 16th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46202 United States of America.
You may access the full program at
the WATCH Society
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Het Skills & Simulatielab van het Radboudumc bestaat 5 jaar. Dit eerste lustrum wordt gevierd met een symposium Skills & Simulatie
op donderdag 30 oktober 2014 in het Radboudumc te Nijmegen.
Ga naar voor meer informatie over dit symposium.
Direct inschrijven kan via de PAO Heyendael website
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