HomeQuality LabelSubmit your Game

Submit your Game


Completing the form consists of a number of steps and is done entirely digitally.

We recommend that you carefully read these steps and prepare any documents that are necessary to accurately fill out the form.

Although the form is written in English you can write in the answers either in English or Dutch.

1. General description

This concerns a general explanation of your game, such as how it is called, what purpose it serves, who the developer and owner are, where your financing comes from, whether any income is generated with it and whether there are any conflicts of interest.

2. Purpose

This concerns a short explanation about the goal of the game, whether the user is aware of the goal during play and who the target audience is.

3. Didactic features

This concerns an explanation of the didactic resources that the game uses to achieve its goal. What will the user learn, how is the user supported and how will the feedback be provided to the user? But also, what are the restrictions and limits of the game and is the user aware of these?

4. Validity

This concerns a comprehensive explanation of how the game achieves its medical results and how these are measured, or and how the game is tested and how the test data is stored.

5. Data protection and privacy

This concerns a concise explanation of whether the game collects sensitive information, how it is stored securely and whether the user is informed of it.

In conclusion, a declaration of truth is requested and you will be given the opportunity to upload any other supporting documents.

Here you can find a copy of the Framework:

Submission Form: Quality Label Serious Games

Step 1 of 5 - Game Description

  • General description

  • Please specify the name of the serious game
  • On what operating system(s) does the game run?
  • Which version of the game is this? Also, how would you type this this game (alfa, beta, release version)?
  • What is the web-link for the game?
  • How would you categorize this game?
  • Please specify access to the game? Why did you choose this type of access?
  • Developer, Owner/Distributor

  • Please fill out Name, address, webpage, contact person(s), email address, phone and fax number of the manufacturer
  • Please fill out Name, address, webpage, contact person(s), email address, phone and fax number of the owner/distributor of the game
  • Please fill out funding sources, name of companies and organisations
  • Sponsoring/ Advertising

  • Is the game free of commercial pop-ups and/or advertisements? If not what is advertised? What is the rationale for using advertisements?
  • Is the game free for users? Is it a pay-per download ? Please specify
  • Are there sources of income within the game?
  • What are the sources of income of the owner/distributor?
  • Conficts of interest

  • What affiliations do the publishers have that could influence content or user group?
  • What interests do the publishers have that could influence content or user group?
  • Are conflicts of interest disclosed ?
  • If yes, do people have to accept the disclosure before they can play the game ?

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