HomeAboutBoard & Committees

Board & Committees


Committee on Education and Accreditation: To promote and facilitate (inter-) disciplinary standards for accreditation, standardization and certification for professionals in Healthcare. To promote and facilitate scientific activities and collaboration between various professionals and professions involved the area of accreditation and standardization for medical simulation. To provide appropriate input for and content to the yearly DSSH Congress.

Chair of this Committee: Dr. U. (Uli) Strauch; email: u.strauch@mumc.nl

Committee on Serious Gaming: To promote and facilitate initiatives contributing to the development and implementation of ‘Serious Gaming’ in Healthcare. To supports collaboration between soft- and hardware developers, game designers, ICT professionals, medical professionals in daily healthcare. To provide appropirate input for and content to the yearly DSSH Congress.

Chair of this Committee: Dr. M. (Mary) Dankbaar email: m.dankbaar@erasmusmc.nl

Committee on Scientific Research: To promote and facilitate the scientific character of the activities within DSSH and to promote and facilitate scientific activities and collaboration between various professionals and professions involved the area of scientific research in medical simulation. To provide appropriate input for and content to the yearly DSSH Congress.

Chair of this Committee: Drs. Marinka Hol; email: m.l.hol@amc.uva.nl

The DSSH welcomes and encourages new input! Are you interested to join the activities of one of these Committees?  Please contact the Chair of the Committee. You may also send an email to the DSSH board directly via committees[at]dssh.nl


Congres 2025


6&7 maart 2025
DSSH Congres

7&8 maart 2024
DSSH Congres

15 maart 2023
DSSH Experience Day

9 September 2022
DSSH Congres


21 april 2021
DSSH Congress

9 November 2019
Zorgen voor teamnetwork

18 March 2020
DSSH congress